¿El poder de las nuevas tecnologías o las nuevas tecnologías y el poder?

  • Juan Pablo Lattanzi
Keywords: experience; identity; power; reality; subject; virtually


The development and the spread of “new technologies” of information and communication, has been the category of virtuality (user experience through a technological means by which constructs a reality without material existence) as part of our everyday life. If modernity was the time of the rational world experience, postmodernity poses an experience where phenomenal reality and virtual experience live togheter and mixed. An experience of virtual reality built halfway between reality and illusion. Neither is entirely illusory nor emerges from the world phenomenal experience. Half way between the objective and subjective. It comes from of our subjective experience but tends to objectify while it builds effects on life. This leads us to think also in the category of a virtual subject. A subject that is not fully configured as real but acquires an identity (however fleeting it is) and that demands a life. This generates a new category of subject and subjectivity that is part of the emergence of a new historical era (late capitalism). A man
who is pure representation and whose most outstanding feature is its very absence. And just as one can speak of a virtual subject it becomes possible to think that one of the signs of our times is the existence of virtual power (a king without a body) whose condition occurs between the flow of communication networks. A power without a center or materiality. A faceless power, as invisible as present.


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How to Cite
Lattanzi, J. P. (2019). ¿El poder de las nuevas tecnologías o las nuevas tecnologías y el poder?. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (45), 15 a 25. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi45.1824