El séptimo arte en la era de la revolución tecnológica

  • Camila Sabeckis
Keywords: art; Cinema; digital; internet; production; science; software; spectator; technology - 3D


Since its origine cinema has used technological inventions, the incorporation of new technologies, sound, color, allowed a three-dimensional-evolve into a great entertainment industry. In the past two decades, digital techniques have been absorbed into the whole system of film production. Thus, the film industry continues to incorporate technological innovations that allow renewed and continue to generate successful productions. Nowadays technological advances have facilitated, the emergence of new ways to see and analyze a film. The film is not what it was, the film was the starting point, but the formats have been changing and adapting to the new era we are living. This essay will seek to reflect on the implications of this connection between cinema and new technologies in film production, and the reception by the viewer, an examination of the new forms of embodiment and display, so you can shape the new landscape of cinema in this era of technological revolution we are experiencing.


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How to Cite
Sabeckis, C. (2019). El séptimo arte en la era de la revolución tecnológica. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (45), 53 a 64. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi45.1827