La fidelización del cliente en negocios de restauración

  • Sandra Cabrera
Keywords: customer satisfaction; gastronomy; innovation; loyalty; loyalty program; marketing - perceived value; quality; restaurant businesses; restaurants; service


If you manage a restaurant, a key to success will build a loyal customer. A loyal customer, repeats his visit to the restaurant regularly, recommended the business to others, and can tolerate an occasional failure in care without dropping out, all thanks to the relationship generated. Therefore, a variable necessary to work by the management of a restaurant, is to analyze and provide more value to the customer. We will rely, in that the key for generating high customer loyalty is to provide a high value, because if you are highly satisfied are much less willing to change. A high satisfaction or delight creates an emotional bond with the brand, not just a rational preference. Alongside this work on “value creation” it could be very successful to create a loyalty scheme as well as loyalty analysis tools that were easer to apply according to the characteristics of our business and target customers. This article will start from the concepts of
loyalty, to address the importance of customer loyalty in the restaurant business, focusing on client perception as key to building loyalty. We will discuss how to implement.


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How to Cite
Cabrera, S. (2019). La fidelización del cliente en negocios de restauración. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (45), 155 a 164.