Primero la estrategia, luego el marketing. Cómo conseguir recursos en las ONGs

  • Ernesto Lissi
Keywords: campaigns; contingencies; donors; funds; NGOs; plans


The emergence of NGOs is not a recent development. But its profile has changed considerably. From ancient philanthropy to present where dealing with ecological issues, poverty and other problems.
Like any organization, a NGO needs resources to meet its objectives and an adecuate professional
management to get them accomplished. And that means to understand that just good will is not enough. Planning is a key activity for achieving this goals. For a successful resources management, we must think and act differentially. There is a difference if we refer to large donors and small donors. We propose a separate analysis for each type. A point of special concern is to avoid concentration in only a few large donors. The fall of one of them seriously compromise the continuity of the project.It is also wise to think about contingency plans such as some insurance on material assets; it becomes essential to the continuation of NGOs.


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How to Cite
Lissi, E. (2019). Primero la estrategia, luego el marketing. Cómo conseguir recursos en las ONGs. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (45), 213 a 221.