Visionarios del Diseño. Visiones del Diseño, Diseñadores Eco-Sociales. 3ºProyecto de la Línea de Investigación Nº4 Diseño en Perspectiva (CMU-UP)

  • Daniela Di Bella
Keywords: Design Visionaries ; Triad Society / Environment / Economy ; Transition Design ; Sustainability ; Ecoliteracy ; Sociotechnical transitions ; Prospective ; Design research ; Design theory


This publication is the third Journal of the Research Line Nº4 Design in Perspective, Design Scenarios, and belongs to Project Nº3 called Visions of Design: Eco-Social Designers. Visions of Design started from the auspicious results obtained and expressed in the Impact Report of the Design Experience in Perspective published in the Journal 80, and bases its name on the idea of “lenses” potentially useful for the development of visions of sustainable futures (Thackara, 2005: 1-8, Lockton and Candy, 2018). It aims to investigate the diagnostic and proactive scenarios that move within the main problems of the design and disciplinary field, related to the demands facing design in the contemporary world.

Visions of Design, is articulated in two parts (a) The Designer as agent of change initiated in the Journal 80 fundamentally with the Impact Report of the Implementation of the Experience Design in Perspective (Di Bella, 2020: 173-239); and (b) with the opening of the 3rd Eco-Social Designers Project whose explorations are visible in this Journal. Visions of Design, continues the path of reflection and research linked to the Transition Design Program - CMU, within the Master’s Degree in Design Management-UP (which the CMU University develops at Phd. and Master’s level in the USA), along with its actions of joint publication and shared direction, which opens a second period of study of the implementation of the Project (Period: 2019-2022).


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How to Cite
Di Bella, D. (2020). Visionarios del Diseño. Visiones del Diseño, Diseñadores Eco-Sociales. 3ºProyecto de la Línea de Investigación Nº4 Diseño en Perspectiva (CMU-UP). Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (87).