Cruce de caminos. Un estado del arte de la investigación-creación

  • Gabriel Alba
  • Juan Guillermo Buenaventura
Keywords: Research ; artistic creation ; creativity ; creative processes ; film ; art practice ; art ; research acts in art practice


The article seeks to outline the different meanings of the relationship “research/ art”, in order to take advantage of its heuristic capacity. The article emphasizes the concept “research/art” in the audiovisual arts, placing the notion in the wider debate of the arts, of artistic creation and, indirectly, in the fields of design and architecture. It is said that the “monolithic” use of the neologism “research/art” in the Spanish contrasts with the variety of meanings that characterize the concept in English. Several concepts are defined: “practice-based research”, “practice-led research”, “practice as research”, “practice as research in performance”, “arts-based research”, “arts-informed research”, “a/r/tography”, and “research acts in art practice”. A history of the debate on the subject, and the fundaments of a state of the art, is proposed, guided by the question: is art research? Finally, the article emphasizes on “research acts in art practice” in concrete and historical processes of artistic creation and, based on the categories of Australian artist and academician Graeme Sullivan, five categories are proposed to understand the research acts in which concrete artists and filmmakers are involved.


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How to Cite
Alba, G., & Buenaventura , J. G. (2020). Cruce de caminos. Un estado del arte de la investigación-creación . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (79).