Visualidades en tránsito: el cine de David Lynch

  • Eduardo A. Russo
Keywords: Film ; Visual turn ; Visual Studies ; Photography ; Painting


The called “visual turn” and the film studies have maintained a fruitful relationship over the last two decades, not only with regard to their cross influences, but also in the reconfiguration of the field of what today we understand as the film in relation to the visual culture. A border art work like David Lynch, which articulates its production through the plastic, photography, film and new media, is examined in this article from the interdisciplinary convergence between visual Studies and film Studies. The approach attempts to not only elucidate various aspects of the production of this artist, it contributes also to the reconsideration of certain fundamental issues of the visual in the film, the processes that make the artistic image contemporary, expanded by media and transformation techniques.


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How to Cite
Russo, E. A. (2020). Visualidades en tránsito: el cine de David Lynch. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (79).