La transición urbana y social hacia un paradigma de movilidad sostenible

  • Gabriela Nuri Barón
Keywords: sustainable mobility ; public space ; walking ; cycling ; social innovation ; participatory design ; urban welfare


Transition Design is a discipline that proposes the formulation of future visionsthat are the result of upward local innovation in constant evolution. In relation to theproblem of urban mobility, sustainability is achieved through the choices of lifestyles that have been driven by the vision, by creating spaces for debate about new ways of being anddoing, and by co-designing strategies to materialize that vision.

In the field of sustainable mobility, innovation does not need to be of a material nature, but rather results from the efficient, intelligent and participatory management of resources. It is radical in its conceptions about well-being, that move away from those proposed by the market and approach those innate to people. It is a mobility on a human scale, centered on the user not only at the level of physical scale, but on an emotional and cognitive scale. The following work presents a literature review on mobility as a transversal activity to all urban activities, proposing the reduction to the human scale as a strategy for the transition. Finally, a possible scenario of sustainable mobility is proposed, where the role of the designer as a cultural operator becomes fundamental.


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How to Cite
Nuri Barón , G. (2020). La transición urbana y social hacia un paradigma de movilidad sostenible. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (80).