El pulgarcito educado

  • Gabriela Chavez Mosquera
Keywords: Applications; Education; classroom environments; spaces trainers; learningscenarios


The Whatsapp as an educational tool. Today the university education embarks on a challenge since you don’t need instructions but ingenuity to build future scenarios for learning. Therefore, the use of applications could be a nifty tool. The challenge is to transform in positive consequences the use of new technologies and applications from the promotion of an active practice of the theory for the naturalization of the concepts. Resolving the question of Serres in his book Thumbelina. What transmit? Who do you transmit? And how do I transmit it? These new generations demand trainers where spaces technology becomes an ally, promoting the use of app-trainers, which incite to search for new possibilities and teachers as mediators do not allow app-dependent limit the acts of students. As teachers, the challenge is to improve the pedagogy to leave marks that last positively in students.


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How to Cite
Chavez Mosquera, G. (2020). El pulgarcito educado. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (84). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi84.3742