Ni documento ni fabulación: límites de la representación, archivo y uso del recurso audiovisual en cuatro montajes chilenos dirigidos por mujeres

  • Catalina Donoso Pinto
Keywords: Cinema;theater intermediality ; contemporary chilean theatre ; female chilean directors


Having in mind that theater and cinema have been related since the very origin of the latter, this article examines the associations between theatrical and cinematic staging in four Chilean plays where female directors are on charge: Cristo (2008), directed by Manuela Infante, Galvarino (2012), directed by Paula González, El año en que nací (2012), directed by Lola Arias and Especulaciones sobre lo humano (2017), directed by Ana Harcha. The analysis will be developed from the perspective of different authors that have addressed the intermediality of cinema and theater questioning the specificity of those languages and emphasizing its interrelation. The article will also consider other theoretical approaches coming from film theory that contribute to examine the relevance of technological images recorded and exhibited on stage.


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How to Cite
Donoso Pinto, C. (2020). Ni documento ni fabulación: límites de la representación, archivo y uso del recurso audiovisual en cuatro montajes chilenos dirigidos por mujeres. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (95).