La insurrección de los saberes sometidos: una interpretación del film Talentos Ocultos desde la antropología de la ciencia

  • Adriana Alejandrina Stagnaro
Keywords: Science ; gender ; power ; culture ; anthropology


The purpose of the present work is to interpret the practices and social discourses emerged from the film Hidden talents directed by Theodore Melfi (2016), from the approach to the anthropology of science on the relationship between science, gender and power.

The film, a biographical film based on the book of not fiction Hidden Figures of Margot Lee Shetterly, rescues the scientific and personal trajectories of Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn and Mary Jackson as African American Accountants of the NASA, invisible, disadvantaged and segregated in an era stained by the struggle for the recognition of civil rights and social inclusion. The film revives and explores the human drama expressed by its double condition of women and people of African descent in a predominantly male scientific community interested in reversing the Soviet advance in the domain of space and develop competitively the space race in the United States.

The material provided by the film, very consistent with the book on which it is based, allows you to analyze not only the role of the woman as a maker of science, but go further in understanding their practices and scientific representations, analyzing their advances and limits in the production of knowledge, its specific features provided in the contents obtained and the type of knowledge located socially. In this sense, the anthropology of science, especially his from pioneers in the field of feminist and cultural studies, provides a specific background of theoretical treatment accorded to a large extent although not unanimously innovative concepts contributed by Foucault (1976) on the knowledge buried by a resurgent held by a few science. 


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How to Cite
Stagnaro, A. A. (2020). La insurrección de los saberes sometidos: una interpretación del film Talentos Ocultos desde la antropología de la ciencia. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (95).