
  • María Pía Estebecorena
Keywords: Personal image ; AICI ; Communication ; Self;esteem ; External image


This Notebook is the work generated after two years of development to consolidate under a single theme the collaborations of professionals from six countries that work directly in the area of Personal Image.

It was considered as a central objective to be able to show the universality of the concept of Personal Image, approached from different angles and in a multicultural way. Its main reference is to outstanding professionals of AICI, the International Association of Image Consultants, which brings together Advisors from 57 countries in the world. We consider the best way to communicate the growing and increasingly necessary concept of conceiving the Personal Image as an integral concept that not only covers the external and visual but also the internal, such as self-esteem or the way of relating to the social environment, as well as through the institutions in which we interact.

Thanks to all the authors who participated in this booklet, especially to Dr. Susy Bello Knoll, internal evaluator of research projects at Universidad Austral, who generously collaborated in the structure of this Book in addition to her academic participation in this edition.


Filloux, J. C. (1963). La Personalidad. .(3era ed.) Buenos Aires, Argentina. Eudeba.

Seligman, M. (2009). Flourish. A Visionary new undestanding of happiness and well being. New York. USA. Free Press. A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

World Economic Forum anual Meeting 2018, Davos. Switzerland. Disponible en

Bauman, Z. (2008). Modernidad Líquida. Fondo de Cultura Económica: Argentina. Platon. República. (trad. A. Camarero). Buenos Aires: EUDEBA.

Carta a Heródoto Volumen III: Libros V-VI. Trad. y notas de C. Schrader. Rev.: M.ª E. Martínez-Fresneda, 1988.Editorial Gredos. Madrid. España

How to Cite
Estebecorena, M. P. (2020). Prólogo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (97).

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