Imaginarios hipermediáticos. Los mundos visuales del gobierno de Cambiemos (2015-2018)

  • Mariano Dagatti
  • Paula Onofrio
Keywords: image; politics; Let’s change; hypermediatization; collective identification


The images historically had a fundamental role in the construction of political identities in Western democracies. From political documentaries at the beginning of the 20th century to the family albums of politicians on Facebook and Instagram, they have contributed decisively to the elaboration, expansion and sedimentation of our social imaginaries. The so-called “hypermediated” society added new layers of production, circulation and consumption of this spectacular facet of politics. Our article studies the forms of visuality and the modes of representation that are organized around the national State in contemporary Argentina, under the government of the Cambiemos coalition (2015-2017). On the one hand, it is a cartography of the official political graphic in a particularly productive period of political images. On the other hand, it attempts to describe its dominant aesthetics, the ways of organizing its staging, the ways of imagining politics, with the ultimate aim of shedding light on the modes of operation of a discursive hegemony. This paper aims at giving an account of the spectacular dimension of the official communication, and its power in the construction of a new mode of identification.


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How to Cite
Dagatti , M., & Onofrio, P. (2020). Imaginarios hipermediáticos. Los mundos visuales del gobierno de Cambiemos (2015-2018) . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (96).

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