Game Jams como experiencia de aprendizaje para artes y diseño

  • Jacinto Quesnel Alvarez
Keywords: Games; Video Games; Ludoliteracy; Pedagogy; Situated Learning; Specialized Didactics; Game Jam


With the digitalization and evolution of tools, processes and means of expression in the professional task of the arts and design, the need to take advantage of new competences emerges. In this document, in addition to theoretically substantiating this need, the possibilities of the Game Jams and other activities related to the creation of video games for that purpose are explored. Based on the participant observation of a case, the mentioned phenomenon, its play, its antecedents and its repercussions are studied. It builds a useful representation of the internal logic of the creation of games and their learning process, not only in terms of digital literacy aspects (when it comes to video games), but also around the symbolic representation and human link necessary to designers, artists and creatives in general.


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How to Cite
Quesnel Alvarez, J. (2020). Game Jams como experiencia de aprendizaje para artes y diseño . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (98).