El cine infantil argentino. Reflexiones acerca de la historia y tendencias del cine infantil argentino

  • Eleonora Vallazza
Keywords: Audiovisual; children’s cinema; trends; Argentina; cultural imaginaries


This essay will investigate the history and trends of children’s cinema in Argentina. The concept or category “child” is not limited to early childhood but to that sector of society that encompasses, commonly known as child-youth. The objective of this study is to perform an analysis on the representation of Argentine children-young people in cinematographic art. It will reflect on the different social imaginary about childhood, which at various times of the national cinema have been represented. On the other hand, it will be analyzed if the films studied respond to the recreational and aesthetic needs of children, or if on the contrary they are simple and stereotyped constructions of the adult that responds to market laws.


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- UPA en Apuros (1942, Dante Quinerno)

- Manuelita (1999, Manuel García Ferré).

- Crónica de un niño solo (1965, Leonardo Favio).

- La niña santa (2004, Lucrecia Martel).

How to Cite
Vallazza, E. (2020). El cine infantil argentino. Reflexiones acerca de la historia y tendencias del cine infantil argentino . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (102). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi102.4013