Importancia y proceso de la enseñanza del Diseño de Información en el ámbito del Diseño Gráfico

  • Andrea Rivadeneira Cofre
Keywords: Information design; Methodology; Projects; Information effectiveness; Learning outcomes


The graphic design schools aim to train professionals who can solve communication problems by configuring graphic messages. In the classrooms follow teaching processes that develop effective theoretical, technical and practical skills in the application of color, typography, composition, among other visual resources that allow the student to design editorial, advertising, social, educational, commercial and environmental products; which can visually meet all the requirements of a visual representation, but leave aside the functionality and effectiveness of the information in the message with which you want to reach the user. If the objective is to communicate, as designers we must be clear about the importance of the information that is to be transmitted in the message, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the communication, which makes it possible to facilitate the processes of perception, reading, understanding, memorization and use of Information by users; That is why it is important in the teaching-learning process of design to understand information as the main element of study to design, in Ecuador the universities that offer the Design career have put emphasis on tooling processes, on theoretical concepts of color foundations, typography and composition, but have left aside the analysis of the content of the information, with which the message will be constructed; For this reason, the importance and processes of the study of information will be approached in a practical way and as from a subject, an Information Design Workshop, graphic messages are constructed through interdisciplinary projects.


Akoun, A., Boukobza, P. y Pailleau, I. (2019). Sketchnoting pensamiento visual para ordenar ideas y fomentar la creatividad. Barcelona. España. Gustavo Gili.

Coates, K. y Ellison, A. (2014). Introducción al diseño de información. Barcelona España, Parramón Paidotribo.

Frascara, J., (2012). El diseño de comunicación. Buenos Aires. Argentina, Ediciones Infinito.

Frascara, J., (2018). Enseñando diseño. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Ediciones Infinito.

González-Miranda, E. y Quindós, T. (2015). Diseño de iconos y pictogramas, Valencia. España. Campgràfic Editors, SL.

How to Cite
Rivadeneira Cofre, A. (2020). Importancia y proceso de la enseñanza del Diseño de Información en el ámbito del Diseño Gráfico . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (104).