La relación de la enseñanza del diseño entre el producto impreso y la selección del sistema de impresión y acabados adecuados

  • Pablo Guzmán Paredes
Keywords: Graphic; design; -; printing; processes; finishes; -; teaching; environment; innovation


Within the teaching of design it is necessary to understand that the configuration of a product includes the conceptualization and the relationship of each of the steps that must be followed to get a printed product, this leads us to take into account from the beginning of the process to the appropriate selection of the printing and post press system, which must be in accordance with the initial concept of the communicational product. Additionally, the current requirements related to environmental standards acquire main interest in the configuration of graphic products, for this it is essential that from the academy the new designers are trained with all the tools so that they are able to face the new challenges that the profession presents in the relation Graphic Design -printed product- environment, taking into account that both the printing system and the finishes used must be selected from the beginning of the process as part of the concept that you wish to communicate.

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How to Cite
Guzmán Paredes, P. (2020). La relación de la enseñanza del diseño entre el producto impreso y la selección del sistema de impresión y acabados adecuados . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (104).