De Tolkien al LitRPG: MMORPGS y transmediación

  • Martín M. Vizzotti
Keywords: LitRPG; D. Rus; G. Akella; V. Mahanenko; Yu Wo; Transmediality; RPG - MMORPG


In this paper we analyze a transmedial journey that ends on the creation of a new genre, the LitRPG (Literary RPG). This process begins in the seventies when certain literatures and prominent authors, like Tolkien, Lovecraft, Moorcock, Howard et al., are interactivized with the creation of the first RPG (Role Playing Games). Later, with the appearance of the new cybernetic platforms, these games are transmediated to give birth to the CRPG (Computer RPG), MUD (Multi User Domain/ Dungeon) and finally the MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer On Line RPG), whose logics and discursive characteristics appears abruptly in the literary field through the LitRPG novels, generating a return to literature while being deinteractivated. Apart from the analysis of the transmedia process, we analyze some of the main characteristics of this genre by reading four authors deemed the pioneers of the genre - D. Rus, G. Akella, V. Mahanenko y Yu Wo. We will also look upon how these characteristics are present
in certain precursors, (in the sense of Borges’ “Kafka y sus precursors”).


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How to Cite
M. Vizzotti, M. (2020). De Tolkien al LitRPG: MMORPGS y transmediación . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (110).