La identidad en el turismo religioso de San Juan de los Lagos

  • Adrián Antonio Cisneros Hernández
  • Marcela del Rocío Ramírez Mercado
  • Juan Ernesto Alejandro Olivares Gallo
Keywords: Religious tourism ; Identity ; Eclectic style ; Graphic elements ; Stylistic codes


Religious tourism or pilgrimage tourism is one of the activities that generates a considerable economic impact in the state of Jalisco. One of the sites of great importance that the state has is the municipality of San Juan de los Lagos, which is more than 400 years old with the celebration of February 2 the so-called Candlemas festival and which receives about 700 thousand pilgrims from different parts of Mexico and foreigners. Therefore, its activity generates or fosters an identity that is reflected in the graphic resources applied to the promotion, communication and dissemination of products or services of the place, these show an eclectic style that provides a personality that is evident in the particular characteristics of its visitors, which add a variety of nuances, since they come from different social classes. It also integrates the personality of its inhabitants who are from different communities, which influence the identity of the people. It is interesting to identify and analyze the way in which the identity of the municipality is constituted, by means of the sum of different factors that are reflected in graphic pieces or graphic elements, that dress the environment of the municipality


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How to Cite
Cisneros Hernández, A. A., Ramírez Mercado, M. del R., & Olivares Gallo, J. E. A. (2020). La identidad en el turismo religioso de San Juan de los Lagos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (101).