La identidad como eje integrador de una marca ciudad

  • Verónica Durán Alfaro
  • Jorge Alberto González Arce
  • Claudia Mercado Peña
Keywords: City Branding ; Design ; Identity ; Integrating perspective ; Interculturality


A City Branding can contribute to a metropolis to reposition itself in diverse planes: cultural, social, economic, tourist, among others. Most of the time, these plans have international projection as their function. However, the most important thing should be that they conform from an integrating and intercultural vision, thus constituting a City Branding that really translates the identity with a goal from and for its citizens; That shows the heart of the city, and from this integrating vision, it could then be transferred to different fields and interests. This paper analyzes the contributions of various work teams in which projects are proposed to redesign and position cities for a better life. Establishing the role of design from an integrating perspective, with a transdiciplinary and intercultural role that can be able to enrich the urban environment and the daily life of citizens, at best. And they will also consider how bad decisions and failed implementations of these projects are translated into cities in decomposition and with an identity that is shown disfigured, fragmented and in many cases weak and incongruent with cultural wealth: case of some Latin American countries.


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How to Cite
Durán Alfaro, V., González Arce, J. A., & Mercado Peña, C. (2020). La identidad como eje integrador de una marca ciudad. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (101).