
  • Mariano Dagatti
  • Paulo Carlos López-López
  • Marina Mendoza
Keywords: image; identity; political communication; political discourse; Latin America


This issue of Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación publication is part of a research line in Political Communication, aimed to reflect on the various transformations experienced in the government-citizenship relations in Latin American countries from the 1990s to the present day. All articles received are grouped into three axes. The first one focuses on the political discourse and its manifestations, analyzing the ways in which mediatization intervenes in the processes of production, circulation and consumption of political phenomena. Likewise, it explores the incidence of digitization in the transformation of communication modalities between political actors and citizens. The second one reconstructs and systematizes the tensions between the political forces of (center) left and (center) right, analyzing the narratives used by each one to capture votes and remain in power. The third one focuses on the enunciative strategies and styles of public presentation of candidates from the (center) right, whose electoral boom in recent years constitutes a phenomenon of growing interest for studies in political communication.


Angenot, M. (2018). “Fascismo, populismo: instrumentación mediática actual de dos categorías políticas”, en Dagatti, M. y Sargentini, V. (eds.). Los pueblos de la democracia. Política y medios en el siglo XXI. San Fernando: La Bicicleta Editores, pp. 13-42.

Balandier, G. (1994). El poder en escenas. De la representación del poder al poder de la representación. Barcelona: Paidós.

Dalton, R. (2014). Citizen politics: Public Opinion and Political Parties in Advanced Industrial Democracies. Los Ángeles: Sage Publications.

Escudero, L. (2007). “La agenda de los medios”, en Escudero, L. y García Rubio, C. (comps.). Democracias de opinión. Medios y comunicación política. Buenos Aires: La Crujía, pp. 131-151.

Fabbrizi, S. (2009). El ascenso del Príncipe democrático. Quién gobierna y cómo se gobiernan las democracias. Buenos Aires: FCE.

Rosanvallon, P. (2007). La contrademocracia. La política en la era de la desconfianza. Buenos Aires: Manantial.

Van Dijck, J. (2016). La cultura de la conectividad. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI.

How to Cite
Dagatti , M., López-López , P. C., & Mendoza, M. (2020). Prólogo . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (112).

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