De la disputa a la colaboración mediático-política en Ecuador. Análisis comparado de los frames mediáticos en las protestas de 2015 y 2019

  • Palmira Chavero
Keywords: frames; political mediatization; mass media; protests; Ecuador


The last decade in Ecuador was marked by the media-political dispute between the former President of the Republic, Rafael Correa, and the private media that became political actors. With the arrival in 2017 of the new president Lenín Moreno (a successor of Correa himself), Ecuador faced a change not only of leader, but also a sharp turn in national politics. The conservative political and economic forces, adversaries during Correa's presidency, became Moreno allies. In this context, the mass media also turned from being adversaries and contesting Correa’s political field to become Moreno’s allies. This article presents a comparative analysis of the way in which two of the main media framed the social reactions to different economic measures: the inheritance and capital gains laws of Correa (2015) and the Decree 883 of Moreno (2019). It involves the analyze of two newspapers, El Telégrafo (public) and El Comercio (private), since they allow to identify the differences between the media based on their legal nature in each period.


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How to Cite
Chavero, P. (2020). De la disputa a la colaboración mediático-política en Ecuador. Análisis comparado de los frames mediáticos en las protestas de 2015 y 2019 . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (112).