
  • Roberto Céspedes
Keywords: Design; economy; materiality


This publication exposes the concerns of professionals and academics of Design, regarding the economic, management and materialization issues of designed products, nowadays. One of the issues is the contribution of 3D printing and its morphological possibilities, which has changed industry and construction. These new production options have an impact on the economy, while raising new questions and reflections. On the other hand, Design also contributes to organizations’ management, with its own ways of thought in the creation and development of any kind of entrepreneurship. Designers, as professionals, have to handle those interdisciplinary skills fluently. Therefore, it must be capacitated with the inclusion of those new market requirements. This work explores the relationship between Design and materiality or economy, in connection with the environment and sustainability, from different perspectives.


Jorquera Ortega, A. (2016). Fabricación digital: Introducción al modelado e impresión 3D. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte/Aula mentor.

Brown, T. (2008). Design Thinking. Harvard Business Review- América Latina, junio, pp. 84-92.

Muñoz, P. (2019). Incorporación de nuevos contenidos a la enseñanza desde la investigación. Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación [Ensayos] Estrategias didácticas en escenarios de innovación tecnológica, Año 21, Nº 84, pp. 107-128. Buenos Aires: Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación/Universidad de Palermo

Fiori, S. (2005). Diseño industrial sustentable. Una percepción desde las Ciencias Sociales. Buenos Aires: Brujas.

How to Cite
Céspedes, R. (2020). Prólogo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (114).

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