Del prototipo al producto: experiencia piloto para promover el emprendimiento temprano

  • María Bernardita Brancoli
Keywords: Design ; product development ; entrepreneurship ; collection


The project “From prototype to product” is an experience within the Design undergraduate studies at Universidad del Desarrollo, as an extracurricular activity to promote the early commercialization of designs produced by students. The objective of this initiative was to expose students to a real productive process, marrying an academic milestone with an entrepreneurial practice. This implied, among other aspects, that students should be taught that in order to market a prototype it is necessary to conduct a new design process that involves an evaluation of production costs, which brings with it the sacrifice of design decisions that they are not used to perform. This experience resulted in a first collection of marketable objects, which brought together students from different studios and venues of the Space and Object Design major, of the Design School of Universidad del Desarrollo.


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Ministerio de Educación, Gobierno de Chile Consultado el 01 de julio de 2019.

How to Cite
Brancoli , M. B. (2020). Del prototipo al producto: experiencia piloto para promover el emprendimiento temprano . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (103).

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