La diferencia entre diseñar y ejecutar. El diseño en los tiempos del copy-paste
Design, like many other disciplines, responds to the needs and demands of its time, reflects the society in which it appears and is constituted under the influence of the social context. Its function is to directly impact a given society and allow daily performance, improve our adaptation to the artificial environment and the quality of life. As a very recent discipline and from the perspective of the training of professionals in the area, it is conditioned by the innovations of the historical moment that the profession lives and that influence the educational system and its teaching methods. Thus, this document, by way of reflection, is integrated as a result of an analysis process related to the role that technologies are playing in the training of designers. It is an approximation around the way in which the formal and informal scenarios have been modified and conditioned, which prepare those who seek to get involved in this area, whether or not they are professionals. It is just an outline of the responsibility involved in schools, universities and other spaces, whether real or virtual, in the definition and promotion of the knowledge and skills that a designer is supposed to have and the role that technology occupies in all this.
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