Disputa entre la materialidad arquitectónica y la imagen gráfica

  • Rebeca I. Lozano Castro
  • Alejandra Hernández Alvarado
Keywords: Corporate Graphic Design; Architecture; Identification


The following article derived from the findings obtained from the field work carried out in the Thesis of the Doctorate of Design of the University of Palermo by one of the authors, Dr. Rebeca Lozano (2018). In relation to this, data obtained on the perception of the architect and graphic designer are presented in their joint work area for the commercial facades in the city of Tampico, Mexico. It was thoughtful to think of the work carried out by professionals of these two disciplines in the approach and architectural execution, but also in the visual result of communication between architecture and graphic design. Commercial buildings were considered from their design planning, construction, structural functionality, to internal signage. However, that did not happen when it came to linking with the identifying-corporate graphic design on the commercial facade. Particular case studies were identified, with disengagement in their visual-communicative production as an important factor in the process of commercial architectural planning-construction. The conclusions obtained represent a reference framework for guiding the inclusive planninglinkage between the architecture and commercial graphic design exposed on public roads, which can guide the identification and social significance of the culture of Tampico.


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How to Cite
Lozano Castro , R. I., & Hernández Alvarado , A. (2020). Disputa entre la materialidad arquitectónica y la imagen gráfica . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (116). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi116.4136