Si la marca fuera una persona: análisis semiótico analógico

  • Dora Ivonne Alvarez Tamayo
Keywords: question; person; value reconfiguration; branding; analogy


Facing up the commercial competition, technological development, climatic, social and axiological crisis, companies, organizations, institutions, social groups and individuals are fighting battles to exist in the minds of individuals. To do this, they demand the mobilization of their semantic values. The brand as a strategic resource favors positioning and predisposes to action. In order to describe the similar factors between the person and the brand related to being, essence and meaning to determine the basis for the design of brand management strategies, an analysis is presented, approached from the semiotic perspective of Peircean, considering analogy as abductive knowledge resource. The conclusions invite to maintain the dynamics of the questioning, to highlight the characteristics of the brands as resilient entities, it is assumed that brand management is the responsibility to accompany its growth over time based on respect for the value of identity. A set of actions are suggested that allow to value and rediscover the brand, such as adjustments based on self-knowledge and self-perception, analysis of the environment and management of uncertainty, emphasizing the importance of constant communication between the brand manager and the organization.


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How to Cite
Alvarez Tamayo, D. I. (2020). Si la marca fuera una persona: análisis semiótico analógico . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (120).