Consideraciones reflexivas para la acción del diseñador a partir de la ética y la identidad

  • Elia del Carmen Morales González
  • Yésica Alejandra del Moral Zamudio
Keywords: Design; ethics; identity; interaction; other´s knowledge


This article is a reflection upon the ethical implications of design, which is understood to mean "action with a purpose" and encompasses the entire gamut of what is done by humans, from messages to objects, images, and even cities, and of the designer as a generator of actions in response to problems or needs, implying his or her conceptualization of "the other" for whom he or she acts, and the way in which he or she interacts with that other. The ethical aspects of design are intertwined with the concept of identity when the designer conceives of the impact that his or her actions can generate in the sphere of people and their social relationships, establishing a triad where action aimed at addressing a problem that has come to the designer’s attention through knowledge of the other and then is solved through the other’s participation, thus giving rise to a series of phases that contribute to the development of the design process.


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How to Cite
González, E. del C. M., & del Moral Zamudio , Y. A. (2020). Consideraciones reflexivas para la acción del diseñador a partir de la ética y la identidad . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (120).