Imágenes y palabras afectivas para estimular la imaginación: un caso en la didáctica proyectual

  • Sergio Donoso
  • Mitzi Vielma
Keywords: creativity ; design didactics ; emotional design ; imagination ; social skills


The fact that images influence people's behavior is known, however, beyond the theoretical constructs that support visual communication, it is known that they also influence the unconscious. We have investigated in precognitive processes images with affective connotations and their ability to trigger emotions. In the same way we have studied words with the same affective conditions, which are also capable of stimulating the imagination. We have chosen the exploration of the unconscious because in the conscious culture and therefore prejudices intervene, which condition the imagination by submitting ideas to morality. With the information obtained, both in surveys and through the application of biometric techniques, we have built a very simple didactic system that facilitates the generation of ideas for product design and whose classroom results we present below.


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How to Cite
Donoso, S., & Vielma, M. (2020). Imágenes y palabras afectivas para estimular la imaginación: un caso en la didáctica proyectual. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (109).

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