La belleza como valor emocional en el espacio cultural

  • Esther Giani
Keywords: Material culture ; mentality ; archaeology of the present


Ptolemy created a place to gather the artistic and cultural production in a place: a building of worship, reserved for few selected people. Since the 1990s, the Museum becomes an international arena where Countries could confront and compare their cultural policies and management. The sphere of financial interests is closely linked to the production of intangible assets; public and private entities appeared to be rivals or allied, thus encouraging amateur collectors to expose their collection to the public. The knowledge fragmentation into multiple focused expertise lead to an increasingly specialized knowledge, changing the same representation of knowledge. Museums caught this as opportunity by gathering historical, social, and domestic segments that are increasingly fragmented too: yet, the development of this new concept of Museum is ongoing. To foreseen a possible scenario for the Idea of Museum, two questions arise: what to select, sort and preserve; and how to do it. What can be done to fix these slivers of the present mentality and of a shared aesthetic sensibility? The issue involves deep ethical aspects, implies the questioning of functional, and economic mechanisms, calls for a responsibility towards the future, which is often the cause of dominant economic logic.


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How to Cite
Giani, E. (2020). La belleza como valor emocional en el espacio cultural. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (109).