Secuencias didácticas en la dimensión del espacio: prototipando mapas gráfico-espaciales

  • Gabriel Leonardo Medina
Keywords: design pedagogy ; project laboratory ; design workshops


The following document aims to present the design of a prototype spatial graphic map that will be tested within the framework of the graphic design careers of the UBA; We seek to be a contribution to the presentation of didactic sequences from the space dimension. Our proposal is close to that of a workshop where the student takes a leading role and relates to the space in an active, autonomous and different way. A free, open space, where activities happen that enrich the teaching processes. A “project laboratory”, a space that promotes, mobilizes and encourages experience. A workshop that calls and where the exchange is a fundamental part of the process; It is not a unilateral transmission of knowledge, but a joint development of experiences with shared objectives. In the words of Mariana Maggio Co-design the workshop spaces.

We think of open workshops where teachers, students, tools, and objectives talk to each other, accompany and enhance the workshop space like the one where it happens. Workshop spaces have to be reinvented from an overcoming look by building pedagogical vanguard (Mariana Maggio). We conceive the teacher as a guide, the students as complex but interesting individuals with all their qualities, emotions and multiplicity of ways of learning. The workshop as a blank canvas, capable of building from the objectives and / or stages proposed in each of the projects of the chairs. We have at our disposal a series of tools that run throughout the course of the course (diagnosis, monitoring, growth, motivation, definition, reflection, evaluation, observation, among others), which we do not always relate to the objectives of class. Our proposal seeks to account for all these elements and combine them in a useful graphic-spatial map as an accompaniment to the design of teaching sequences.


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How to Cite
Medina , G. L. (2020). Secuencias didácticas en la dimensión del espacio: prototipando mapas gráfico-espaciales. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (109).

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