Bauhaus, juguetes y miradas lúdicas. Un camino distinto

  • Guillermo Bengoa
Keywords: Bauhaus ; toys ; design ; playful ; art


The Bauhaus, in its short fifteen-year career, guided a playful spirit exemplified in the design of objects, both by students and teachers and in a constant attitude towards creation. This way of seeing design is traced in three sections, before school, during its existence and then in the work of epigones in different parts of the world. Towards the end, questions are asked about the possibility of recreating a playful look at the hyperconnected and digital world.


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How to Cite
Bengoa , G. (2020). Bauhaus, juguetes y miradas lúdicas. Un camino distinto. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (113).