Los silencios de la historia: mujeres en la Bauhaus

  • Inés Moisset
Keywords: Bauhaus ; women ; design ; architecture ; edition ; invisibility


The canonical bibliography has hidden and devalued the production of women and is not neutral in terms of gender since it includes only the male experience and gaze. These absences distort the history of architecture and design. In the face of all these stories, somehow “suppressed” in the Bauhaus bibliography, I have tried to focus on the women who were disappearing from the stories and how this process was occurring within the history of design, art and architecture . In principle, I find three categories among the women of this school: designers, architects and publishers. In each case, which we will exemplify with particular characters, the modes of invisibility present singularities.


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How to Cite
Moisset, I. (2020). Los silencios de la historia: mujeres en la Bauhaus. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (113). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi113.4252