Mujer y Cine ¿hay lugar para la heroína?

  • Andrea Pontoriero
Keywords: Cinema ; Bemberg Woman ; feminism ; hero ; heroine ; myth ; nomos ; hegemony ; stereotypes


When Campbell talks about the hero's path, he does it in masculine. It is naturalized that this place is occupied by a hero and not a heroine. The "path" means a structure, a series of "moments" that are repeated for every hero. We see this structure repeated over and over again in most of the stories that are told to us from the very beginning of humankind to the present. What`s interesting about Campbell's approach is that this structure is repeated at the level of the unconscious when we make the passage between childhood and our adult life. This is why all those stories, myths, that are told from one generation to another, are so deep in the consciousness of the humans that share the same culture. It´s a path full of effort and sometimes pain to seek identity, and become an adult who is usefull to society.


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How to Cite
Pontoriero, A. (2020). Mujer y Cine ¿hay lugar para la heroína?. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (117).

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