Espacialidad en el conceptualismo latinoamericano. El caso Mirtha Dermisache

  • Paula La Rocca
Keywords: Mirtha Dermisache ; conceptualism ; graphism ; compositional process ; book format


Art expressions in the late 20th century are marked by a transformation of spatial relationships. The aesthetic tendencies manifest a bridge between an increasingly global territory, the new political-economic world’s administration and the technical advances for this planetary scale. Conceptualism express a new model of spatiality even before the decisive technical leap of the century, the appearance of the Internet. The new rising world order affects the artistic processes. Different responses to the new global order emerged within the arts. Aesthetic materials and procedures are used to communicate alternative imaginations. For this reasons, we propose the evaluation of the demarcation criteria of this artistic movement and reveal which conceptual strategies may become important for other study corpus. We will specifically focus in the production of the Argentinian artist Mirtha Dermisache (Buenos Aires, 1940), to try to differentiate some compositional procedures. To deepen these questions, we will refer to Diario 1 Año 1 from 1967 (where you can find the allusion to the “Trelew massacre”), to the Boletín Informativo from 1974, to her Afiches explicativos, and her books. In these the spatial distribution remains the conceptualist knot. In other words, the distribution of the elements on paper shows spatiality matter as a political praxis.


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How to Cite
La Rocca, P. (2020). Espacialidad en el conceptualismo latinoamericano. El caso Mirtha Dermisache. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (119).