Razones partidarias: entre política y ficción

  • Mariano Cicowiez
Keywords: Electoral campaign ; Enunciation ; Technical images


The analysis of the propaganda devices concerning an executive power electoral campaign is subsidiary of the recognition of the relation between Art and Politics. The proposed case study of the still and in motion images displayed by Cambiemos coalition in 2015 recaptures the contiguity between visual / audiovisual art, subject to an electoral communication strategy. Based on the selection of a number of images / samples, there will be an identification of the rule for forming canvassing operations whose reading contract establishes a political consideration, which has, however, drawn on a process of art and fiction production. This duality has not been exempted from concealing the subject from his enunciation in view of the presumed exhibition of the real thing without intermediaries. If art is no longer an eminently aesthetic creation, and is situated on the threshold of political action, in the same way, the governments preaching has created an indistinct zone in relation to art and its proclamation of party and electoral communication.


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How to Cite
Cicowiez, M. (2020). Razones partidarias: entre política y ficción. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (122). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi122.4391