La comunicación editorial de LIJ en tiempos de redes sociales

  • Nathalie Jarast
Keywords: Children’s and youth literature ; Editorial communication ; Social networks ; Digital communication ; Books


In a world where the competition between cultural industries is so big (series, videogames), the communication and dissemination of books becomes central. Today bookstores are not the only sales channel, especially in the world of children’s and youth books. In this work, a survey of the channels of these publishers is carried out, through the observation of their presence in social networks and their participation in book fairs. In addition, it presents the results of a survey (pilot sample, exploratory of the sector), which allows obtaining an overview of the communication strategies of children’s and youth literature publishers. The work shows as a result that it is essential to include online and offline channels when putting together a communication strategy, but, the most crucial to reach new generations, is creating reading communities.


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How to Cite
Jarast, N. (2020). La comunicación editorial de LIJ en tiempos de redes sociales. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (124).