Sensibilización sobre los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible a través de repentinas de diseño de sistemas de producto-servicio.

  • Marco Ferruzca
  • Alinne Sánchez Paredes
  • Carolina Andrade
Keywords: Sustainable design ; Sustainable Development Goals ; SSPS ; Service design


 This paper testifies to the experience of a design school conducting design workshops aimed at promoting sustainable development goals (SDG), as well as proposing product-service systems to achieve these goals. At the same time that the participants become familiar with the SDGs, they learn to use new tools that promote creativity to design product-service systems. The experience of four years organizing this type of experience has led to the proposal of the design of a new course that is integrated into the curriculum of the bachelor’s degrees offered by the school in question.


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How to Cite
Ferruzca, M., Sánchez Paredes, A., & Andrade, C. (2021). Sensibilización sobre los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible a través de repentinas de diseño de sistemas de producto-servicio. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (126).