La ley de la atracción. Mensajes ocultos, la simbología en moda como lenguaje identitario

  • Patricia M. Doria
  • Eugenia Bailo Donnet
Keywords: Symbol ; sign ; identity ; fashion ; trend ; brands ; religion figurative ; history ; user ; society ; connotation ; denotation ; culture ; attraction


Amulets, relics, talismans, respond to their use in fashion as a decodable and accessible semantic load. In its meaning, it captures groups of users, attracts them, these are sensitive to the symbolic load that certain figurative elements have, identify and are gratified by its use in fashion. This goes beyond the plane of logic / reason and is located, we can say, in a sensitive place, charged with emotionality, magic and mystery. The sign always found its expressive prominence in the history of mankind, and in the history of fashion. These signs loaded with intention, awaken in the future user an irrational component, which enhances a sense of brotherhood in those who wear it. In other words, these garments intervened through: prints, embroidery, accessories; they reveal the latent identity of the brand, its values and identity postulates.


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How to Cite
Doria, P. M., & Bailo Donnet, E. (2021). La ley de la atracción. Mensajes ocultos, la simbología en moda como lenguaje identitario. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (127).

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