La cultura como investidura, la historia como subjetividad
This article seeks to reflect on the construction of the personal clothing narrative, based on the reconstruction of the inherited family history. Parallelize the memory and the tangible material by putting them in dialogue in a different context from the event itself, updated through a contemporary receiver. It seeks, in turn, to reflect on the superposition of temporalities that are embodied in memories and materialities, written in a timeline and told through written, material or spoken stories. This story heard in the stories, read in the letters and observed in the photographs, is transformed into an investiture that embraces the recipient, endowing him with meaning, containing him, dressing him and composing him beyond his contemporaneity. Based on this conceptualization, we seek to analyze clothing practice as a symbolic act that brings to a present time, a cultural heritage that is resignified from generation to generation. It is intended to analyze the concept of history / story as subjectivity reflecting on the symbolic reconstruction of what is understood as family culture. From stories, photographs and objects of daily use already separated from those who previously owned them, to delve into the emotional reconstruction of the story told of our ancestors, as someone who chooses a garment every day from their wardrobes, in this article will take up the echo of some stories that have survived for several generations. This article is built from the development of “Herencia”, an upcycled capsule of clothing made by the writer, on a journey in time and space towards family ancestors.
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