Tras la explosión digital: experiencia y experimentación en videojuegos de RV y RA

  • E. Pablo Molina Ahumada
Keywords: Virtual Reality ; Augmented Reality ; Semiotics ; Digital Culture ; Experience


According to Manovich, new media are the result of the translation of previous media into numerical data. Iuri Lotman’s semiotic-cultural perspective and his concern for the “explosive” processes of culture, allows us to suppose that this process of digitalization has enormous importance on the production of meaning and subjectivation inside and outside the virtual world. From a critique of the forms of experience and experimentation that video games foresee and provide (Juul), our work addresses two examples, one of augmented reality (Diggs Nightcrawler) and the other of virtual reality (Transference), to show modes of relationship between texts and player in controlled virtual contexts. These relationships are an effect of the digital explosion, while pointing out possible horizons for interactive fictions with videogames.


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How to Cite
Molina Ahumada, E. P. (2021). Tras la explosión digital: experiencia y experimentación en videojuegos de RV y RA. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (130).