Vida, conciencia e individuo en SOMA: un análisis desde la cibernética

  • Guido Saá
Keywords: cybernetics ; videogames ; body ; information ; conscience


SOMA is a survival horror video game set in a dystopian 22nd century in which life on earth has gone extinct due to a comet impact. Our protagonist is a human whose consciousness has been transferred to a robotic body who will seek to put into orbit a virtual reality capsule inhabited by the most distinguished minds on the planet with the hope that in the future they will rebuild humanity. With this premise, the video game deeply and critically explores various concepts and theoretical assumptions of cybernetics, a science outlined by Norbert Wiener in his book Cybernetics and society. In this article we will explore cybernetic concepts, their ethical implications and their fictional functioning in the game environment, which updates the debates started by him more than 70 years ago.


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How to Cite
Saá, G. (2021). Vida, conciencia e individuo en SOMA: un análisis desde la cibernética. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (130).