La ESMA, sus alumnos y sus posesiones inalienables

  • María Jazmín Ohanian
Keywords: Annette Weiner ; inalienable objects ; ESMA ; non-commissioned officers ; Argentine Navy


The “Escuela de Mecánica de la Armada (ESMA)” was an educational institution designed to train the non-commissioned officers of the Argentine Navy. There is a group of former students of that school from different generations who, through a voluntary act, keeps remains, pieces, flagstones, flags or any other material piece from the past of the ESMA. In some cases they exhibit them collectively and in others they keep them in their homes. In October 2013, the former students responded to my interest in learning about the history of the ESMA by taking me to the basement of the Circle of Sea Officers where they had curated an exclusive “museum” for Navy personnel and where they narrate the history of the educational institution through the exhibition of objects. The aim of this work is to share some thoughts about these objects under the magnifying glass of the conceptual proposal of the American anthropologist Annette Weiner who discusses the type of possessions that are tried to be kept outside of the exchange, which she calls “inalienable” (1992).


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How to Cite
Ohanian, M. J. (2021). La ESMA, sus alumnos y sus posesiones inalienables. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (131).