Analogía biológica ¿Es posible una arquitectura “viva”?

  • Carlos G. Giménez
  • Marta Mirás
  • Julio Valentino
Keywords: Biological analogy ; Architectural theory ; Morphogenesis ; Biomimicry ; Archibiotic ; Living architecture


The relationship between architecture and biology is a long-established link in our disciplinary field. However, at present, in the field of architecture theory and practice, a series of novel terms emerge that are incorporated into language and actions in the discipline: biomimicry, evolutionary architecture, morphogenetic design, morphoecologies, protocell architecture, generative architecture and other derivatives of biological science. This article explores, based on our research – focused on analogical thinking and descriptive memories – the link between this binomial, its historical evolution and some questions of the most advanced state of the subject in contemporary times.


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How to Cite
Giménez, C. G., Mirás, M., & Valentino, J. (2021). Analogía biológica ¿Es posible una arquitectura “viva”?. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (133).