Método proyectual tradicional y su aplicabilidad en el contexto de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje

  • María Dolores Cevallos Sánchez
Keywords: Technology ; Ubiquitous ; Omnipresenciality ; Flipped classroom


This is a question repeatedly asked since the beginning of the change that took place in the classroom. Regardless of whether it is applicable or not, the answer is that it must necessarily adapt and evolve accordingly. From a projective approach, within the field of Graphic Design, where concrete proposals must develop from a conceptual basis, it is inevitable to work with the projective method in a workshop mode, which requires constant feedback on the project’s progress. This makes sense insofar as it is possible to elucidate advances and corrections on the proposal presented and developed by the student. The mediation of a technology that bridges the distance carries problems, especially when both parties, teacher, and student, are not "there" to discuss the project. Everything is done on a screen. It is not sketched or schematized tangibly or directly. This is aggravated if the class is not given in synchronicity. The proposal is that the ICT adaptation that mediates the process also depends on the adaptation of the teacher's method—emphasizing the new protagonism of the teacher whose identity is nowadays, an omnipresent screen that can be present in all the student's environments. The proposal is to find the core points of a teacher’s resignification as a new image supported by an audiovisual language where the modification of both the pedagogical and attitudinal model in the synchronous and asynchronous meetings can become advantageous within the curricular improvement


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How to Cite
Cevallos Sánchez, M. D. (2021). Método proyectual tradicional y su aplicabilidad en el contexto de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (135). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi135.5028