La comunicación de los destinos turísticos internacionales en Facebook y Twitter durante la pandemia de COVID-19

  • Francisco Javier Paniagua Rojano
  • Francisco Manuel Pastor Marín
Keywords: tourism ; crisis ; COVID;19 ; communication ; social networks


The object of study of this work is to analyze the communication strategy used by large urban tourist destinations on Facebook and Twitter during the first stage of the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to illustrate the different degrees of use of these social media and identify possible cases of good practices. As a methodological technique, the content analysis of the official accounts of the destinations included in the ‘City Tourism Performance Research’ study is used, which collects success stories in urban tourism. In total, 1,695 posts and 925 tweets published between the months of February and April 2020 were analyzed on the official Facebook and Twitter profiles of the Destination Marketing Organizations (OMD) of Antwerp, Berlin, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Cape Town, Hangzhou, Linz, Malaga, Marrakech, Beijing, Seoul, Sapporo, Tianjin, Tokyo and Turin. It is observed that the studied destinations drastically reduced their presence in social networks, which were used more as a means of information than as a channel of interaction. It is concluded that from the communication point of view the tourist destinations did not have a true crisis management strategy.


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How to Cite
Paniagua Rojano, F. J., & Pastor Marín, F. M. (2021). La comunicación de los destinos turísticos internacionales en Facebook y Twitter durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (136).