Diseño crítico desde una realidad superpuesta

  • Franco Chimento
Keywords: Critical design ; Virtuality ; Materiality ; Social Design ; Future ; Digital technology


The current design paradigm has expanded the boundaries of the profession, increasingly seeking to address open, complex and interconnected problems. We propose to observe the product design from a new reality where the virtual and the material overlap. We explore the transformations of objects from their material composition, to rethink the possibility of a critical design, and their socio-political potential from an emotional and collective point of view. We present a series of cases around the physical deconstruction of objects, and their recomposition in a virtual dimension. A space where the limits of the tangible are blurred and matter melts and transfigures.


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How to Cite
Chimento, F. (2021). Diseño crítico desde una realidad superpuesta. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (137). https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi137.5051