Muchos futuros. Diseño de experiencias y tecnología digital en prospectiva

  • Rocío Canetti
  • Agustina Mc Lean
  • Milagros Oliva Torre
Keywords: design ; experience design ; UX ; prospective ; future ; digital technology


Our research project focuses on the relationship between future digital technologies and experience design. In this paper we share an exploratory exercise. It gathers data from scientific institutions, media and firms to understand their views around the future of design, experiences, technology development and society. As a result, we build a relationship map and we select an area to further analysis with prospective methods.


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How to Cite
Canetti, R., Mc Lean, A., & Oliva Torre, M. (2021). Muchos futuros. Diseño de experiencias y tecnología digital en prospectiva. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (137).