Nueva visualidad y la sorpresa del saber

  • Alejandra Macchi
  • Andrés Tapia Avalos
Keywords: communication ; visuality ; articulation-coding ; virtuality


We introduce our students to visual communication in architecture understanding that initiality in the context of the discipline. We reflect from an existence fed by a visuality that permanently organizes our ways of life and interaction with the environment. A new system of the visible demanded by virtuality, reconditioned the logics of understanding and analysis of the world, installing us in a new way of seeing and relating our gaze to our actions. The proposal for the chair was to articulate this new visibility in the cycle 2020. We required analysis, exploration and articulation between different, but not conflicting, knowledge. We chose to take action and we were surprised by the knowledge.


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How to Cite
Macchi, A., & Tapia Avalos, A. (2021). Nueva visualidad y la sorpresa del saber. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (137).