Docencia en pandemia, la respuesta institucional frente a la cátedra de práctica profesional en Diseño Industrial de la Universidad Rafael Landívar

  • Mónica Patricia Andrade Recinos
  • Hernán Ovidio Morales Calderón
Keywords: Teaching ; pandemic ; Industrial Design ; Professional Practice ; design research ; Internship


Teaching during the COVID19 pandemic has seen the need to migrate to digital distance education resources. Industrial Design at the Rafael Landívar University took on the challenge, which becomes even more complex with subjects such as professional practice. The relationship with a real company or client had to be developed by combining video calling, email and text messaging platforms. Despite the difficulties of methodology, connection and human interaction, the design management achieved its objectives and the external counterparts were recipients of the innovative design of the Landivarian students.


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How to Cite
Andrade Recinos, M. P., & Morales Calderón, H. O. (2021). Docencia en pandemia, la respuesta institucional frente a la cátedra de práctica profesional en Diseño Industrial de la Universidad Rafael Landívar. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (137).